Community Involvement


  • Sunday Suppers - Share with other local churches in providing a hot meal to anyone hungry in our community.

  • Work with local schools in providing needy children warm clothing during the winter.

  • Distribute blankets to homeless people in the community.

  • Community Christmas Candlelight Service featuring the Bennington Children's Choir with all proceeds going to Greater Bennington Interfaith Community Services.

  • The Open Church Program partners with the Old Bennington Cemetery and Bennington Museum. Our docents come from many religious traditions; many are not members of the church. We share dialogue across religious boundaries with Open Church bus tours and senior citizen groups, simply by being open and respectful to their questions and beliefs.

  • The volunteers for Open Church are often the first place visitors encounter when they enter Bennington. We give out maps, walking tours, suggest scenic routes, restaurants, and hiking trails, and tell them where to find convenient bathrooms! We have information about the cemeteries, the Walloomsack Inn and other local points of interest. We, along with the Museum and the Monument, act as the Welcoming Center on the west side of Bennington.

Church's blanket drive for the homeless - 2023

Celebrating Christmas Eve at the Old First Church in Old Bennington

by Michael Albans, Bennington Banner


Candlelight Service - 2023

Candlelight Service - 2023

Candlelight Service - 2023

by Michael Albans, Bennington Banner-

The Christmas magic was alive and well at Bennington's Old First Church on Christmas Eve as worshippers streamed inside the historic walls of the 1767 meeting house during the traditional candlelight service held the night before Christmas every year.

Photo by Michael Albans, Bennington Banner

Photo by Michael Albans, Bennington Banner

Photo by Michael Albans, Bennington Banner

Photo by Michael Albans, Bennington Banner